Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Saturday, December 8, 2012

IT happens

Well the last couple of weeks have been hectic as well as emotional and life changing.  Last week, one of my sweet, innocent twelve year olds had a grand mal seizure, which really caused me concern.  Upon arriving at the ER, where she was totally normal now, not remembering anything other than being really tired, we were thrown back six years to worrying about a heart defect that was cured.  Thank God, it was cured, no doubts at all at the heart specialist, but then, my mom, who is 85 years old, is suddenly taken to hospital, in Australia, with a bad fall, resulting in hip replacement surgery, with knee repair (from the fall) surgery as well.  I am informed that this will take place with epidural surgery, not anesthesia, because she has had a few mini strokes, and upon entry to hospital, they discovered, has an enlarged heart, so in the end it was anesthesia.  She had another "mini" stroke a couple of days ago, leaving her with slurred speech and fear of her next surgery.

Australia is a long way away, and although I have two sisters there, who are amazing and keep me informed, that is not much of a comfort.  My Dad is almost 93 years of age, and really spry, and still driving, but is also concerned for his wife of more years than most people get.  On top of that, I am involved with my children in more than one production at this time of year, in fact three, two of which I am directing.  Crunch time, in every way possible in my life.  And then?  Oh yes, and THEN!

While parts of my life that are God directed are blossoming, opportunities beyond my imagination, the stuff between my feet, trying to falter me, is just too time consuming, emotionally, and physically.  It is time to cut ties that make trouble, that is beyond my control.

My family call me "soft", I think I am strong, but with propensities that lead me sometimes to be more sympathetic, or empathetic,  than I need to be.  So, my strength comes from my Redeemer, and I rely on that at all times, so, as scripture tells us, "strength will arise" and it has.  I do not, ever, back off from the truth, that includes the "adventures of Isaiah", nor responsibility, that includes my children, including Isaiah, my mother, my father, and extended family, and also the commitments I have in the coming week or ten days, as well as emergencies that arise, but for those who think they can manipulate, threaten, or frighten me into something I don't believe in?  Think again.  My strength cometh from the hills, from the Lord who strengthens me.

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