Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Thursday, December 20, 2012


So Isaiah is coming home for the holidays on Friday morning.  We pick him up from Sam's Club in Gwinnett county where the bus from college drops him off.  It was rather funny really, because he forgot, in his excitement, to tell us just which Sam's club it was.  The reason for that?  Well this last week has been rather busy for me, so when he called, I was doing sound for one of my kids plays, the phone was on mute, and he had been advised if I didn't answer to call Dad.  Well, dad's are notorious for not asking questions, so which Sam's is it?  Dad didn't think to ask that.  Only Mums want more explicit information.

On that note, I called Job Corps in Franklin this morning to be put straight though Isaiah's counselor who knew exactly where, and when.  We had a wonderful conversation about how well he is doing, but I have to say, my breath was taken away when I realized that while his grades are so much better that 1.8 three and a half years ago, his grades, while close, have not yet reached middle school level.  But, he is determined, and so are they, for the final achievement of his GED.

All the plays are finally down, and cleaning, shopping and baking are the order of the day.  We had an MRI for Jada yesterday, and and EEG scheduled for today, so I think I may join some of those that end up shopping late on Christmas Eve.  Dollywood, our annual Christmas tradition, is supposed to be Saturday if I can get it all together in time.  For those of you who have never been there at Christmas, it is the one place I know that feels like the season and the most amazing presence of family, traditions, and the reasons for the season, Jesus.

So wishing you all a Merry Christmas, don't eat too much pudding!

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