Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Friday, November 30, 2012

Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart

This week has been what Aussie's call a "doozy"!  I still have images of my beautiful twelve year old having a full on seizure flash through my mind, but am so grateful that she has recovered, and is her usual self.  Jada has a laugh that tinkles, and just makes you smile, while her twin has a full throat belly laugh.  It has always amused us that though they are very alike in some ways, their laugh is distinctly different.  It is wonderful to hear that tinkle floating around the house.

We went to the cardiologist yesterday, and my heart soared to hear her heart is NORMAL!!  Jada was diagnosed at about two with a three prong heart defect, and we attended the heart center for four years, until, about six years ago, on a checkup, she had a very unusual exam, which led to another sonogram. As we went into that room, and I watched her being hooked up to the machine, I asked questions about how, and why, and the possible surgery that was being mentioned.  Maybe a balloon in one of her arteries to help blood flow.  I could see her lying there, and imagined that tiny body with a scar running down her chest, and almost automatically told God to heal her, because, it was Christmas and it was time to get this done.   Imagine my surprise, when He DID!!   I remember watching the technician running the doppler over her small body, and seeing her puzzled expression.  We already had a sonogram that showed the defect, but just as I assumed she was seeing something worse, she excused herself, and went to get the doctor.  Now I was sure it was bad news.

The doctor came in, and began again, peering into the screen.  He suddenly stopped, looked at me, and announced that while he couldn't explain it, Jada's heart was perfectly normal.  He discharged us on the spot, shook my hand, and told me he didn't expect to see Jada again.  So, you can imagine how I felt when we were told a few days ago, that there might still be a problem, but, I have learned, by all means check it out, but never doubt that when God heals divinely, unexpectedly, believe it, and stand on it.  It sticks forever.

Now we just have the neurologist to see, and I am praying for the good report.  I am not afraid of the hurdles God puts in our life, I will jump them one at a time, because I am not alone, He is with me.

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