Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Isaiah, home for the holidays!

I am so proud of Isaiah, he is on the silver level at school and is eligible not just for a week end, but the whole week for Thanksgiving.  I know this sort of sounds odd with regards to a school, his school is very special.  It is a tech college as well as a school that gets kids their GED, their drivers license, as well as up to two trades.  He can be here for three years, because of his age, and earn advanced education if he plays by the rules.  It is fully paid for by the Government for kids who come from very low income families, foster children, and those who have lost families and have been taken in by someone else.

Some of you who follow this blog know that Isaiah was a child from a broken adoption, that was sent back to Liberia illegally.  When we rescued him he was thirteen and a half years old, with grade one.eight education, not from lacking intellect, but lacking education from his previous family.  His road in the last three and a half years has been tough, from many different angles.  Quite frankly, he doesn't trust much, and who can blame him?  All those older than him, including biological and adoptive adults, let him down.  Oh yes, he made mistakes, but as a CHILD.  Adults are supposed to correct, instruct and bring a child up in the way that they should go.  That is biblical even if we don't like it.

His struggle with trust, fitting into a family that has very strong boundaries, trying his hardest to learn to be educated, even though he has never learned a work ethic, understanding it is going to be worth it, is a credit to him.  A lot of his peers, choose the low road, not the high one.  The low road leads to young parenthood, lack of education, lawlessness, and just plain trouble all the way round.  And if it doesn't lead to trouble, it leads to being very poor financially because of lack of education.

He has no current biological family that is standing with him, that is another story.  The kids that came from this situation are so messed up, that without parents, they are lost.  They seek approval, attention, and cannot see the future that spans before them that requires some form of education.  Oh, it is easy to get caught up in the moment and think that living for the present is what matters, but those of us who are older and wiser, parents of children of school age, know better.   Children grow beyond babies, and become children who ask questions and want to be like their peers.

It is coming up to Christmas, and as a parent with nine children at home, four grown children,  nine grandchildren to buy presents for, I am aware that I am deeply appreciative of my parents for educating me, and  making me aware that I need an education to have the finances to supply my family, at all times.  My only regret is that I cannot be all to all people, and that is OK.  I am at peace with myself and my family who I love more than anything in this world, other that God of course.

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