Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Isaiah, the long road home.

So had a great couple of days away at the beach.  The first and last day were spent traveling, but it is something both of us enjoy, a chance to chat, plan, decide where we are going and all the other things that we have fleeting moments to discuss.  When you have such a large family, there are so many aspects that are relevant, or not so relevant, need attention, but can escape under the radar, and where we are headed as a family, and in business, goals, and extra curricular things that come across the never ending plate for decision, or contemplation.

There are many things on our "plate" so to speak, at the moment, one of which is an "article" which we committed to some time ago, but has taken a long time to come to fruition.  I do believe in timing, and I do believe in "God's" ultimate timing.  It has almost happened several times, and I sometimes have been frustrated by this, but, God, in His ultimate wisdom,  knows exactly when this should all come about.  There have been many times, I dread to say, that I have felt that I knew the perfect timing, only to be thwarted and know that my timing, is not necessarily the best, but His is.

In saying that, because I have very definite ideas on children and abuse, suffering, non education of children, the "lost" children, who by the way are just around your corner needing a family, I get impatient.  I wish there were more families who could get out of their own space, or needs, and see the need for these children who are so "lost" in our society, and who have such issues about trust and love.

I have thought more about this in the journey home today, whilst driving, with my honey, either playing his favorite songs, or snoozing, than collectively in the last few months, where things have been so chaotic, or turned upside down, in my house, because of the need for extra family and guests.   Tomorrow, I go to pick up Isaiah from school, a place he is beginning to feel not only grateful for, but thankful for, as he IS going to get an education here, and regain his self esteem as well as self pride.  Not pride that is harmful, but pride that propels us to places we could not imagine before inspiration kicked in.

My two older boys, twins, are coming with me, even though they are people he has abused, physically and mentally, the most.  They "get" his journey with all of this, even though they forgive, but cannot forget.  For that, I am eternally grateful for, because they are all similar age.  Isaiah is possibly thirteen years in, thirteen years out, or at the very least 3-4 years in and the same out.  That is physchological talk for when kids get better.  Because he was thirteen when he came to us, it could be maybe twenty-six before he comes out of that abusive cycle.  It may be just the nearly four years spent with his other family, therefore meaning four years in ours, which is just a short way off.  How we know?  Trust in God, look for signs, and fervently pray that he does not have take the long road home.

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