Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fact or Fiction?

I haven't blogged in quite a while, things have been "insane" for want of a better word in my house over the last few months, but, with good results.  Summer was long, with eleven children at home, and waiting for Job Cops to call.  The eleventh is my grandson, who is no trouble at all, just another one to watch and feed.

As school resumed, Job Corps did not call yet for Isaiah, and I had to make a decision.  Keep him home until?, or send him to school until.  After one week home, it was send him to school until.  The call was a long time coming, but was worth the wait.  Isaiah is at Job Corps, and, after really wondering what was his fate the first week, is really enjoying his new found freedom, as well as his new found opportunities for education for the next three years.

He has really tried his best with us, to fit in, try to be part of the family, but when trust is broken, and a child's spirit has been broken as well, it is a long road to normalcy.  The thing is, he just doesn't trust parents, or women for that matter, in his life, but, he knows I will level with him, be honest, and not expect anything in return.  He has learned in the last three years what a normal family looks like, has realized that he is not a "bad" child, and learned that if he had been educated at a younger age, all would be so much simpler for him.

He also knows now, that being sent back to Liberia, was not his choice, but one of co-ercing and brain washing, and I didn't even have to say a word, time is a great healer.  While he struggles with understanding a "real" family, he does understand how it works, and wants to be there, have this for himself, in the true sense.

I have completed my book,  "Finding Friday", 100,000 plus words.  It is biographical fiction, but tells a compelling story.  After being rejected, the same very large Christian publishing house has asked for my book proposal.  I pray and hope that it will be accepted.  I have realized after taking in, fostering, adopting so many children, one of the things in my future is to tell their stories, anonymously, so they can be free from the torment in their lives.

Children are innocent, pages to be written upon, so why is it we, as adults, fail them?  There are many extenuating circumstances, and I, myself, as a parent, wish I could have done some things differently, but, I have never abused, neglected, or abandoned my children, even when I was a very poor single mother.  We are entrusted my God to look after the children he sends, whether by birth, adoption, or marriage, and if we fail, abuse, neglect, we face judgement for that.

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