Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Love Of Jesus

Going back a couple of years, I wrote a song called The Love Of Jesus.  It was written because I had gone "home" to Australia, and after a very long night with one of my loved ones there, who is not saved, I was inspired to write this song.
Most people think because Australia has Hillsong that they must all be christian.  Unfortunately that is not so.  About 2% are. I was raised in a denominational church, but by the time I was about eleven, I was the only one left, walking to church.  At about fifteen, I was invited to a rather radical church at the time and remember receiving Christ into my heart.  It was many years later that I learned that was not the only step in finding a relationship with my Lord.   I have always been considered to be the "crazy Christian" in my family and do not mind a bit.

But, when I was ministering to a young member of my immediate family, in the wee hours of the morning, all she could see was Auntie Kate, the crazy christian.  I poured my heart out into this song, not thinking of anything but my feelings for the situation at the time.  How crushed I was to find when I presented it for critique, it got more put downs that put ups.  Because I am a christian co-ordinator for the NSAI, I got that, but I also realized that I was too close to this song.  Part, or most of it had been poured out of my heart.  So, from a critique point of view, I knew the melody was fine, very fine, but the words?  Yup, I had to concede that the lyrics were those that I understood, but perhaps were a little mixed up for others to get the message.  I had mixed conversation with what I call "Christianise".  They are words and expressions that we as christians understand, but the unsaved don't.

It hung around in the back of my mind, until I was putting a set together the other day for a concert, and I realized just where I needed to come from to make the lyric of this song be as great as the melody.  It was birthed out of my passion for the "lost" kids in this world and I realized that my special family member that I had written this for, was no different.  She was as "lost" as the kids that go through fostering and adoption, abuse, neglect and lack of education in such matters, were.

I re-wrote that song in as many minutes and I wrote it the first time, but understanding so much more because of my experience and passion for the "lost" kids.  I re-record tomorrow.  I will post it tomorrow.  Please listen, maybe, just maybe, your heart will be changed forever about the "lost" children, who are victims in our society of parental alcohol and drug abuse which leads to extreme neglect.  Perhaps you will realize that the church once looked after these children and their was no Department Of Children and Family  Services.  If you don't believe me, find a Keith Green CD and listen to what he was saying, oh so many years ago, and we never listened.

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