Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Changing times

There are times in our lives when things seem to go, ah, is this right?  Why am I doing this?  This has become hard.  I call it when it's time for the seasons to change.  That has been happening to me lately, or at least over the last few months.  Life is a circle, there is nothing new under the sun, but it all appears in a different way, an illusion that this is new, never been seen before.  It is just time to understand that the season has changed, and God is doing something new in your life.

Sometimes, we are reluctant, even downright stubborn about changing what we are currently doing, but if the season has changed and we don't change with it, we are about to be extremely uncomfortable, if not agitated.   We like, or at least I like comfort, ease with which I do things, comfort in knowing it is never changing, nothing unexpected hitting me in the face.  I know the order, the familiarity of the day to day, even if in the midst of that I am searching, seeking, asking for change.  Of course those are not my words, I am asking for that in totally different words.

And while I am in my completely comfortable zone, knowing all that is going on around me, nothing will change, unless I am willing to inaugurate that.  I am a creature of change, I don't like doing the same thing day after day, but when I am challenged to do something beyond my comfort zone, I am in the same questioning zone as everyone else.  That comes of a lack of confidence in the person we are created to be, to rise up and overcome regardless of our failings.

I know that I will press on, run the race, and hopefully win the prize if I am deemed worthy, but how many of us give up before we even try.  We give in to those voices that tell us "we can't"  "you won't" or you're too old, too young, not experienced enough.  I have learned a great lesson that your are never too old, you are never too young,  you never have enough experience, or knowledge, or ability for that matter, but when you are led, from within your heart to rise up and do whatever it is you know is right, then none of that matters in the least.  It is whether you will leave your comfort zone and leap out into the unknown and do marvelous things.  And even if you don't, it is better to try and fail than to never try at all.

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