Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Running The Race

We can start the race we run as a tortoise or a hare.  I think I am the former, although I wish to be the latter. Wow, that is deep.  I would like to get everywhere I want to be yesterday, but life does not permit that if we want to do what we do well, or even excellently.  When I rush things, without thinking through all of the components, I end up feeling overwhelmed and also feel I underachieved.  I am spontaneous by nature, but a planner by choice.  With nine children at home, impulsive decisions are almost always halted by the necessity to organize ten others people to get ready now, do it now, move it now.  Rarely does that happen.  Being spontaneous takes planning in our house and I think it combines the best of both worlds.

Rog is much more laid back than I am and I think that is what makes us work, with all of the kids, animals and busy careers and schedules.  We push each other in different ways, that ends up in a rather neat balance in the middle.  To actually run the race we are set before us, it takes planning, pace, ambition and obedience.  Each step is ordered, and when we stray from the path, the race just became longer.  I do this not willingly, but sometimes foolishly thinking I know the way instead of keeping my eyes on the prize set before me.  Invariably the prize becomes something I never dreamed of, a treat in the treasure box that is kept for me to find in obedience as I walk the maze that God has set before me.

For me, sometimes the path I run is strewn with cut glass, making me pick my way like a tortoise, being careful not to get stuff caught in my feet, sharp stones that cut and make you sit a while to find that the path is not the right one, just one that looked really good.  On the other hand, when I am hand in hand with my Maker, I run like the wind, and the path is smooth, easy, and fulfilling.

The thing I have learned in this race set before me, is to never run alone.

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