Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Journey

We all travel on a journey through our life.  Sometimes, it becomes difficult, almost impossible to navigate, and other times it is  easy, it just all seems to fall together in a plan that seems to fall from the heavens.  I have found in my life that the journey is just a means to the end.  And the end never comes.  It maybe the end of this question, or stumbling block, but it begins again with another.  It becomes a circle and for the want of sounding trite, it is the circle of life.  For God is always working our life, bringing what is needed to the foreground and then letting us resolve and settle for a while before the next obstacle arises.

We think, or more specifically, I think, that many of these things are distractions, trying to keep us from the goal we are specifically sent to achieve.  We can get caught up in many things that are of no consequence in our lives, disagreements, every day issues that soak up our time and energy from the things that we are called to.  Sometimes, we mistake that these callings are more important than our family, our spouse, our kids and our church, even our Lord.  We cannot see the forest for the trees and believe we are sacrificing for our calling.

How do I know this?  Because I foolishly once believed my calling was above all else, when indeed, my calling was first to my Lord and then to my family, scripturally as well as morally.  We can all aspire to become many things, but being a wife, a mother, a daughter, a follower of Christ is surely the most important.  Fame is said to be success.  Let me assure you success is not fame or fortune, it is achieving the goal set before you, and running the race to the finish.

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