Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life With 14 Kids and a cold

Gosh, I can just about count on something happening when Rog goes out of town (and vice versa).  I have been trying not to have a cold for maybe a week or so and Rog catches a plane and I catch a cold.  The kids, all nine of them, somehow know you are without back up.  It's like they all get together and say, well, there's only one of them, HA!  Now Rog he just keeps coding and just about when I am due home, sends them all into clean up mode.  Me, I'm in clean up mode all the time.  It's just easier.  If you have a large family, you live in chaos, or are extremely organized.  I am the latter.  I am the only one in my family like this, so on a constant daily basis, I corral 10 other people into being tidy and organized.  Rog, of course, just smiles and keeps on coding (he's a low level  computer security guru for those of you who don't know).  His smile is so contagious that I just give up on him and go after the other nine.

Anyway, today is when deep cleaning housekeeper comes, for which I am eternally grateful.  Literally, and do mean literally, five minutes after she is gone I am picking up after said nine children.  Normally this is not a biggie, but my nose is running, and I am grumpy.  I have a Metropolitan Atlanta Theatre Awards rehearsal at 6.30.  I have to cook dinner for ten before I go.  I have to look like I don't have a cold and be professional.  I am a presenter as well as a nominee.  Have to look cool.  You know how that goes.  I DO NOT FEEL COOL.  In fact, I am not sure I am not running a fever.  Well, it's called the "Show" must go on and it did.  The kids eventually all pitched in as they usually do, and have all settled down.  Some, the younger ones are in bed and the older ones are chillin' getting ready to same.

I got some news on radio play on my single "God Of Glory" (which is on the latest added by the way), and news from my producer Doug Sizemore that my first two songs from my new cd "The Adoption Thing" will be uploaded to me as soon as they land and get  settled.  He is Reba McIntere's Musical Director and left on tour today.  Her guitarist, Jim, is mixing.  I am stoked because they are going to do a live recording of the last song before sound check one day this week.  If you ever get to go see them, they are not only talented, but really great guys and gals.

So tomorrow is another day, and it is an early start to milk the goats, get the lunches etc before school.  I am looking forward to picking up Rog in the evening and life with 14 will return to normal.

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