Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Adventures

In the last couple of weeks our eldest set of twins, who are now sixteen, have taken a real interest in camping.  So, because we are fortunate to live on a suburban farm, with fishing ponds, goats, chickens and horses, they don't have to go far to experience a night in a tent.  So, we got the tent etc and they have set up outside and had a great time.  That of course, led to us thinking about how they could have a bigger adventure, and hence the scouts came up.

Both the boys have learning disabilities so in our struggles through the years to pinpoint and conquer their unique way of learning, somehow scouts and cubs didn't arise.  Of course we tried baseball, which was great until they got to fast pitch.  Then because of their visual perception and slightly shaky hands, they decided that was definitely not for them.  Swimming was sport of choice, and lately a little soccer and basketball, but even though both Rog and I were cubs and brownies, the subject didn't arise.  Until now.

Rog suddenly came up with the idea, inquired and low and behold there is a scout troop just a mile or so from our house.  So we now have three out of our four boys in the boy scouts.  I would have thought sixteen was too old to start, but I guess just as in every other part of life, you are never too old.  Isaiah, our liberian child, declined to go, but after this weekend he might just change his mind.  It seems the troop is off to Ellijay, in North Georgia, for camping and kayaking from Friday to Sunday.  I have warned them about bears and not straying too far.  There is a family joke about their sense of direction.  But all jokes aside, I know this will be a great adventure for them.

The other really funny thing is that Rog has become the assistant Cub Scout Master.  He still isn't sure how he landed that one, but he is off camping with Zach in a couple of weeks as well.  What a great organization that has served our children for so many years.  Sometimes, the simplest things in life can give the greatest pleasure.

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