Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Amazing Love

Yesterday I went back into the studio to record the re-write on one of my favorite songs I've ever written. I knew it needed a re-write, but just couldn't find the place or the words to start with.  I think why I like it is because the title The Love Of Jesus is needed in everyone's life.  I am blessed to have found it, but what caused the write to happen now, was I realized so many people don't, especially a lot of "lost" kids that bounce around the foster care system.  I originally wrote it for someone who was going through a very hard time and did not understand His love or how you even found it.

I forgot for a minute that there are so many people, who do not understand either.  Our last child to be added to the family, was a young teen who was from a broken adoption.   Not only was it broken, but he was literally dumped back on the streets of Monrovia, Liberia.  I got past that wrong decision by the parents writing it off to youth and lack of foster/adoptive parent training.  But I can't get past the damage done to this child's body, mind and soul.

He knows about Jesus, he lives in a house where Jesus is invited in every minute of our day.  He can sit in church and pretend to listen and sometimes does and can tell you exactly what the sermon was about.  But, none of those words ever get past his mind, they never penetrate his soul, or his heart because it is hard, closed and fiercely protected.   He has come a long way since the angry, and I now know, frightened kid I picked up in Brussells a little over two years ago.  He's not openly angry, and I do catch a smile more often these days, but he keeps to himself, guarding his emotions, with a tangible wall built very firmly around him.  I have broken through a few times, and he has now just about told me every horrid, shocking detail of his life since he left his father's care at the age of about five.  So, there is a thin veil of trust, but so fragile, that it can only stay in place for short bursts of time.  When it is broken, we start again, then start again and start again.  One day, it will be strong enough to stand, as he will, in a new confidence that there is someone who loves him unconditionally, his Savior Jesus.

And that was the inspiration for the re-write which left very few words intact other than the hook, The Love Of Jesus.  This is the link, share it, especially with someone who doesn't know His amazing love.


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