Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Friday, October 7, 2011


In the last two years, I have walked such a fine line that has almost killed me, put me on the floor, wondered what the heck I took on.  But, I always knew that God put me here, in this very place, in this very circumstance to cope, grow, learn and parent in a way I never anticipated.  I have done a lot of parenting/foster-parenting classes over the last somewhat 14 years, but I don't think anyone anticipates the training needed for parenting a child from an overseas adoption that is not a baby, let alone a busted adoption.  Oh, this sort comes with all sorts of questions that are unanswered.

I have battled systems, regulations, state councils, Governers' offices, educational services, and a whole lot more, that could never answer my questions, or give solutions, to the problems we encountered in rescuing a dumped, green carded, American adoptee from another country.

Today, I have experience more than one miracle that can maybe give justice to this situation. Unfortunately, I cannot give the names of either, but, I can tell you first hand, I have hope, belief, and cause to do so, that God will rectify what has been done to innocent children that do not deserve for the abuse to continue.

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