Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Running The Race

Running the race that is set before us is very different for each and everyone of us.  Success often gets confused with fame.  You can be famous, just think about it, and yet not be successful. I would prefer on every scenario to be successful.  Success is when you reach your goal, that hopefully you have set, and written down.  It comes in many forms, most of which do not lead to fame or fortune, but nonetheless, achieved and successful.

In another life, somewhere back in time, I was asked to be the motivational speaker for a cosmetic company, based on the fact that when we were in trouble with a business once, I became an Avon representative.  Of course, everyone laughed, jeered, made jokes about it, but within about six weeks, I was the #3 top seller in my district.  I moved quickly, within 6 months exactly, from representative, walking the streets in those days, to stand-in manager, then manager, with my own district, car and expense account.  That was success, not fame.  This is what I spoke about in my motivational speaker days.  In fact, I still tell people to not concentrate on the famous thing, but the success in what you are trying to achieve.

The race I run now is so different from back then.  In fact, I run several different races in one day.  But, the prize I run for is singular.  The quest in my mind is clear, although I do admit it has been clouded from time to time, mostly by pride, or rejection.  How do I get the message about the "lost" children out there?  How do I make a difference in how the church and the world perceive and understand the need, for not only intervention in this increasingly alarming number of children coming into care, or being orphaned, but rising to the need that exists for foster and adoptive parents to step up to the plate.  Once upon a lifetime ago, the church took care of this.  There were no agencies, at least here in our homeland, but, over time, we have become self involved, the task becoming so great it is better to either ignore or discard.

But, the fact remains, there are children, all around the world, who are orphaned, or taken into care, because of drugs and alcohol mostly, and in some third world countries where there is fighting and unrest, without parents, or, parents who have no income and are forced to leave their children in orphanages that have not enough staff, and not enough care and food.

This is my calling, and my mission to try, even in the smallest way, to bring awareness to the community at large about this growing need.

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