Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Monday, October 3, 2011

God's timing

As many of you know that follow this blog, we rescued a child from Liberia a couple of years ago.  In my heart I forgive those involved and somewhat deceived into thinking that this "child" had committed such heinous crimes that he need to be dumped, without identity or money, other than what he had earned as a laborer,  at the ripe old age of thirteen.  There is a dark, unbelievable story behind all of this, which was the reasoning for him to "be rid of" and never seen again.  I really don't think they understood the ramifications of their actions.  How could they know he would be starving, have malaria and see his young five year old cousin die next to him on a makeshift pallet, have African "chiggers" dug out of his feet, without pain medication, by sharpened bamboo sticks, see "rebels" kill others around him, have a gun held to his head with the threat of death, climb a coconut tree, twenty feet in the air, when he was so starving that it was worth the effort, and drink from a stream that not only bathed them, but washed their clothes as well.

The sadness in this is I do know that they knew.  They went to this terrible place, where there is no World Vision or other large ministries to help, and they saw and experienced an unbelievably primitive place called Monrovia, Liberia.  That palls into insignificance when you go to Rivercess, in the Interior of Liberia, where he was ultimately sent to spend the rest of his life.  He wasn't even in the town, he was two hours walk from there in the jungle, forest, whatever we want to name it, without recourse of any kind.  He was left to survive on his own at the ripe old age of 13.  He was thrust into his "great aunt's" family which already had too many children she couldn't handle.  Oh, because of his "heinous deeds" he was supposed to be sent to a female free environment, but then how did he witness his five year old female cousin die beside him with malaria, while he was inflicted himself, on the pallet beside him.There is so much more that has been revealed to me, gradually, over the last two years, as Isaiah has begun to find trust in this tough, yet understanding Mom.

About a year ago, I received an inquiry from a person I did not know, asking whether the child I had blogged about, without name, was indeed Isaiah.  After researching, I found this person to be legitimate and to have a genuine interest in the past abuse of this child.  We formed a relationship and over the last year have communicated, interviewed, and become compatriots in finding why these children from other countries end up like this.  I am wonderfully surprised to receive confirmation from her that this is going to be exposed in a reputable magazine.  I pray, that this is a good report.  I have always known that God in his infinite timing would expose the wrongs done to these children, and I am not betrayed.  God is God.  His timing is His timing and I pray justice as the Lord sees it, is done.

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