Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Aussies, as in me, are very prone to improv.  That is, guests arrive at a minutes notice and you feed them, without question.You, as an Aussie, are required to have enough food on hand to feed whoever comes through your door.  Some people in my past church lives have been fooled into thinking this means I have a helps, or hospitality ministry.  Bah humbug!  I am just an Aussie who is supposed to be cordial.

Tonight that spontaneous visitor stuff just happened.  We were minding two of our littlest grandchildren, when friends suddenly phoned to say they were on their way to get goats milk and eggs, of which we have an abundance, and then our eldest son arrived with his kids and the fun began.  We forget that unplanned events can be some of the best times.  The company is what counts, and the food is secondary.

The children just had a riotous time, the noise level, must have busted some sound wave, good food was eaten, great conversation was had and none of it was planned.  I am sure that once upon a year many years ago, it was the same.  A neighbor called by unexpectedly and a memory was made.  I am so glad I do not so plan my days that I cannot still be caught up in the moment and just go with what happens next.

I go to my bed with unexpected grandchildren sleeping alongside my own, happy to be at "Glammy's" and waking up to some more good fun down at the farm.  Treasure these times, they are few in life.  I will always treasure them.

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