Well it was a better day today. The bruising is coming out and I have a little more motion without pain. I appreciate all the emails and encouragement from wonderful faithful friends. Imagine my surprise today when I am delivered the most amazing chocolate covered strawberries from my dear friend MaryAnne. We only live a mile as the crow flies but both have very large families and commitments which have us more on email or facebook than face to face. Thank you my friend, you catered for the whole family of which all my little chocaholics are grateful for.
I should have guessed that Isaiah felt he was "under the radar" in the last week or so with all the extra goings on with me being not quite up to par. Yesterday I was in the kitchen around the time his bus was due, and as I looked up at just the right time though the front window, I noticed it went speeding by. I wasn't immediately alarmed because it was just a little early and I thought, oh maybe that was another bus not his. But ten minutes later he walked through the door with no bus pulling up to the driveway. Our home is a bus stop and it picks him up in the morning and is supposed to drop him off in the afternoon. This was the same schedule that the boys had when they went to Public school. Mmmmmm, my brain went, now just what is going on here that I have missed in the confusion of pain and delegation.
He had a very plausible explanation but it did not pass muster. Unfortunately for him, and all my children, I have mother lying radar. He was definitely telling me a story. Rog then remembered that the bus stop he first was at last year, there were a couple of girls who happened to get on at that stop. He was later moved to our home as a stop, but that was the high school bus and he only got it to connect to his other bus which took him to his English As A Second Language class at the appropriate middle school. He is now in High School in ESOL (same class only high school). Isn't God good? We were having problems with him attending the Christian School, and, I really felt I had to let go and let God, so I transferred him back to the public system only to have them put him back in ESOL, which is a class of about 10, and not in the mainstream classes of which there are hundreds or even thousands of children attending.
But, that meant that the problem I was having in the Christian school (him texting and running after inappropriately aged girls) was lessened even more with him being in such a small classroom. Hence, him wanting to get off the bus at the stop where all the girls get off. Ah, the foolishness of the young, thinking that the Good Lord will not put an uneasiness in the hearts of his parents. Alas, today, after speaking with the bus driver, and pointing out my concern that he had maybe missed his bus when he did not get off at home, put an end to the folly of his unthought out plans. He has gone off to church tonight with all the other older ones and I do hope at some time his heart will be softened to the word of the Lord.
My other little people have had what we call a "come to Jesus meeting". Wow, Mum really was telling the truth. We do have to keep our rooms and help for more than just a couple of days? Mum still has a sling and can't do the washing? But, man, it is six days and counting, what's up? Reality is hitting home. But tonight they "got" it. They pitched in and the washing and folding is done, the milk is pasteurized, the dishes put in the dishwasher, the leftovers put away, and they have gone off to church with all in order. I know they feel great about having achieved not only the house, but helped with the animals as well. They are all fed, the chooks put away, and all is peaceful at Cressbrook Creek.
I have started a video series because I have been asked so much about what it is really like at our house. So the first is posted and the link is.......
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