Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ok, so I survived the rotator cuff, bone spur, arthritis, torn bicep muscles and torn tendon surgery. I am in a sling and six days and counting. I am not allowed to lift anything but may use my hand and arm up to my elbow. Might I add this is my right shoulder, and I am the most right handed person on the planet. I have come to conclusion today, that just like when you give birth and have the baby blues around the fourth day, I have the rotator cuff blues today.

I am sick of not being able to do much, only delegate, or do it with my almost non existent left hand. I have been to gym working with weights since 1979, long before the get fit obsession was even a twinkle in somebody's eye and I am shocked to find that really your dominant side does all the work. How do I know that? I am living that very fact. I have started to rehabilitate my left arm with weights and exercises because otherwise it will surely fail me in the months ahead.

Now the benefits? My hands just may return to looking somewhat decent after not having any detergent or water constantly flow over them as I cook, clean, wipe, wash and do all the things that a mother does. But, I, I, I, miss it! I am a nurturer by nature, and I have an amazing sense of satisfaction when all is done, and is sparkling clean. The laundry is tended, neat and folded for the day, the kitchen is clean, the dishes put away, the floors are swept, and the house is neat and tidy. I admit freely that I am a typical ADHD person except I am an organized, maybe dare I say, over organized ADHD person and that is how I cope. Everything has a place and there is a place for everything. How come they all don't get that?

But, I do have many things to be thankful for and that is why I am struggling to write or type this blog. My children are just a little spoiled, but they do get that their Mummy is not too good. I refused the nerve block and all the "tough" pain meds as I am allergic to a lot of drugs and sometimes the reactions are worse than the pain. So when I arrived home from surgery, I am quite sure I was white faced as all the pain interceptors had worn off and I was praying, out loud, really hard. I had been prescribed what they call ibuprofen on steroids and I grabbed that sucker as fast as I could when I got home. It took a little while to kick in but then I think I was up for nearly twenty four hours as I reacted to it just like I do to steroids. I solved all the problems of the world, without any pain, in the wee hours of Thursday morning. And then on taking the next pill Thursday morning, I literally chewed my husbands ear off recalling all of the amazing revelations I had throughout the very long night. Might I add they also made me swell up. My fingers looked like they belonged to someone else and my shoes were tight. Needless to say although I was strictly instructed to take these for five days, I copped out Saturday morning a mere two and a bit days in. Advil will work and does work just fine.

I do need thoughts and prayers though as I have puppies due in less than a week and kids (goat kids) due in about three weeks. I have wonderful older children and a husband who thoroughly understands my enthusiasm for just about anything, but farm life and life with 14 kids goes on through everything, including surgery.

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