Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kidding around with my rotator cuff!

Well Christmas was amazing and wonderful but not without it's hic-ups. Other than the goats which I am learning about day to day, there were other issues which always have to be dealt with. One of them, unfortunately, is that I have to have surgery on my shoulder, rotator cuff to be exact as well as a bicep tear (maybe). The original tear came from another rescue from a busted Liberian adoption where the young lady could not integrate into the family. Because of the the circumstances at the time, I was thrown from the back of our "Airport Shuttle", which is our primary transport, to the front. I hurt many things, but mainly my right shoulder. I did rehabilitate with exercise and felt really good until Rog and I went to England and Scotland in the summer. As I was getting off the train from Heathrow my roll on port(that's case for Australian)
(stacked with clothes I admit right now) was kicked and threw my right shoulder over and out for a knockout (for those who know cricket).

Because of my really busy schedule for the end of the year I endured, worked out, got cortizone shots, but to no avail. It is surgery. Well that means a heck of a lot for this crowd in my house. Unfortunately they are spoiled. They enjoy wonderful meals, their laundry done every day, mum at their beck and call, and I mean counsellor, adviser, homework co-ordinator, cook, chief bottle washer, tidy upper, laundry person, organizer, lunch maker person, picker upper person, teacher soother person, interferer in sibling arguments, driver to music, dance, social engagements, whatever they fancy. Alas, this is coming to an end for at least four to six weeks. They are in the first stages of grief right now which is denial. They have oh, a whole week to get through the four stages to functioning as a mighty powerful sibling group, so their father can and will get his daily work done.

The Good Lord Prevails! Sometimes when old softie Mum gives in, gives up, endures, prays, and believes that they will all turn out, the Good Lord takes His stand. There is no hope for them in the next four to six weeks that they will listen constantly to their whatever is attached to their hip or pocket, disappear to someone's important place, have to look something up urgently on their computer other than homework, return this oh so important sms or email or phone call, it will be kitchen, laundry or bathroom duty for all. Oh and did I mention the 7 goats, 10 chickens and 7 dogs. We have at this moment, 5 does who are expecting kids, and 1 dog expecting puppies. I guess this is a lesson for all.

But the blessing? I know I have exceptional children who will and I repeat WILL not let this family down let alone their Mum. Sometimes we have to have a challenge to step up to what God expects of us. When we don't, perhaps we will not meet either His or our expectations.

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