Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Well life has been more than busy lately. I had "tech" week last week for my high schoolers in the Lighthouse Theatre Company and tech week this week for my 3rd to 6th graders.  Last week's show was amazing and with a little "push" my younger actors will be stellar for Thursday's performance of Goldilocks and The Three Pigs.  As I write this Alicia, second eldest daughter at home, and the crafty one, is making my Storybook Land story books look amazing with butterflies and sparkles on their covers.  Earlier, the sound board didn't work, and #10 light, which I replaced the bulb in last week, went out on me, so I guess I move the lights and re-program or give a new bulb another try.  I love the fact that we have our own wonderful black box theatre, but it is old, and the lights are old and I feel a new "can" coming on.

I am so looking forward to going to "The Objective" which is orientation for possibly going out on "The Extreme Tour".  I was really bowled over to be asked to this, but the more I read about it in the emails, the more I know that is is a ministry so close to my own heart.  This is outreach to "at risk" groups.  Well, that goes on in our home, which makes it more important to me, but I do have to get up there and show them what I do at some time during these four days, so, I have been hard at it with the guitar.  Because of my shoulder injury and subsequent surgery, the guitar was out of my options for at least a year, so boy are my fingers sore.  I do thank God for muscle memory, but the blisters have been "really good".  My callouses are back, and you can see them.  Great!!!

Isaiah, our child we rescued from Africa after a broken adoption, is really struggling with assimilating into normal family life.  It has been nearly three years since we found out that he had been "dumped" back in Africa, and all the efforts we have tried seem to not quite fail, but not hit the mark either.  After much consultation he is applying for a wonderful Government funded course called "Job Core".  I hope this can finally help him put the past and all it's difficulties behind him and move on to better things.

My new cd, now called "Broken Hearts and Broken Wings" is looking like being released mid July, and I am very excited to see it moving along.  It is truly the best music I have done, I guess because these are all stories of the foster and adoption process of my "at home" children. I still have a video to do and am really looking forward to putting my acting and singing skills together.  I have never done a "music video" before, and I am really excited about the whole adventure.

Well I will try to blog a little more over the summer when things get a little less crazy, or maybe more crazy if I end up on the "Extreme Tour".

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