Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A sigh of relief, or maybe not.

So the curtain went down on "Goldilocks" and it was hilarious!  My two youngest sets of twins were in the production, one played "Sand Witch", one played a French Weasel, one was Goldilocks and one was a pig, a member of "The Squeal Sisters".  Hilarity for all, especially when they skipped a scene, went back and did it out of order, only to have an unprecedented chase, even thought there was one already  choreographed in the show, with characters running in, then out.  The audience just laughed and laughed. Of course the cast party followed with a "heated" pool party at my house, with hot dogs and chips and brownies, all that a small child's heart desires.  It really was perfect considering that there were storms moving through the area and they all cleared by the time the show went down.  God is good.

So after pulling set, packing it up to be picked up in the morning by my wonderful husband because I have to be in the studio by 10, which is an hour plus drive, getting all the food out for the hungry hoards, I got to play a few songs for everyone.  The fingers get better every day, and I got to sing to an audience, one that IS biased, but an audience all the same.  Playing guitar is hard for me.  I am a little dyslexic and the co-ordination of playing and singing and making both hands work was extremely hard for me, but determination will get you there.  I am SO more comfortable singing out front of a band or to tracks where I can just sing the "stories", but life isn't always set up for that, and you have to be able to do both.  I mean, if you are in the middle of a jungle, or somewhere where there is no power, meaning electricity, then you better know how to play.  I love the idea, and would dearly love to be able to play piano better, and maybe one day I will, but it is a struggle, which is becoming a little easier each time I MAKE myself do it.  I guess I have been spoiled having a guitarist for a husband, who is head and shoulders above me when it comes to playing, and still he writes me scales to improve my finger skills, and encourages me, and even tells me I play OK.  Mmmmmmm..... I think the jury is still out on that.  I have done many singer/songwriter nights and got away with playing for myself, but, when I see and hear so many excellent players, my abilities fade into the background.  Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the skills I have acquired, but my real instrument has always been my voice, and I am very aware of that.

Having said all those things, I LOVE playing guitar and will never give up.  One day, my determination will pay off, just as my kids determination to learn their lines, know their blocking, cues and sequence of the show paid off, so will practice, faith, and being truthful with yourself.

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