Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another day in the life

My little actors continue to surprise me.  Today, with still one light blown, and yet to reposition another one, they stepped up to the bar.  With lights, action, no camera's, but a determined director, they delivered a show, well by their standards anyway.  I know they will be brilliant tomorrow, even if I think about every cue tonight.  They had fun!  They even tried to do some improv, but unfortunately couldn't remember where they left off!!!  BUT, they tried, they stepped up, and that is what matters in the end.  They will deliver in spite of my fears.

I am off to the studio on Friday to demo a new song which I wrote during a mentoring class with Belinda Smith on my selected color.  Of course I am a black and white girl, so writing a song about black somewhat stumped me for a minute or so, but then I remembered that when you are behind the sun, as well as the Son, it is black, just like a shadow, and we need to walk out of that into the light.  Hence the song "Black Is The Shadow".  This song is so not my usual writing, but I love it.  A little different, but then so am I.  And, who wants to write the same song over and over.

We are up to the last week of school for my kids, and finals are at hand.  It continues to surprise me as to how each of them handle testing and learning.  Of course, we have several learning disabilities, but, we go round the mountain and somehow come out the other side.  I do believe the whole small farming thing helps them.  The goats need milking, the "kids" need feeding with only one bottle a day now, and the chickens and ducks need looking after as well.  The garden is planted and the rabbit fences are in place, learned that lesson a couple of years ago, but I still love the baby birds in at least three trees, the rabbit warren in the mulch dumped in the garden that we didn't quite distribute, the Canadian geese with their five babies, who by the way try to steal the buck's grain, so we gave them their own, and my four legged kids who are still adorable, but, need to give up their last bottle.

A last thought, as I sat in the dark black box theatre last night working out and setting lighting cues, I was reminded of a time where I lived in a dark place, not knowing Jesus, not understanding that there was a Savior who would guide my life and order my steps, then the light came on, illuminated the stage and brought all the characters to life, just like when the "light" turns on from Jesus and you understand that the  stage you are on is nothing without the love and guidance of Christ.

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