Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Friday, October 2, 2009

Well, here I am sitting here, at oh 11.00p.m. and the house is quiet. There is a reason for that. We are celebrating thirty years of marriage tonight and we sent all of the younger children to the older children. It was our actual anniversary last Monday, 28th September, but, well you know how that goes. Or maybe you don't.

Last Monday, our anniversary, we had planned to be in Scotland, digging up our ancestry and looking up distant cousins etc. But, there was a little fly in the ointment, oh and then another. We knew we could not leave Isaiah at this time, but on top of that, one of Rogers' long time friends, and business associate, was in town and stayed with us for a few days. So, on actual anniversary, I cooked, smiled, cleaned and looked on as Rog and his friend, talked all sorts of business things through, and waited, hoped and planned there would be a tonight.

We had the most wonderful, if somewhat expensive dinner, and talked or tried to talk about anything other than the kids. Well, we did talk about the play, just a little bit, but when you have ten kids, with needs that are all unusual, it inevitably comes back to "the kids". But, there was that moment when one of the older kids called, needing something, and hoping he wasn't interrupting anything, then, we get home, open a nice bottle of wine, and end up chatting on face book to a couple of the others. We must be demented or brainwashed or both.

I must say I love life. I am so looking forward to the comedy I am directing. Just worked out the curtain calls, sitcom style and laughing out loud as I picture it in my mind. Have been sitting here with Rog, as he chats and I chat online to our kids, having a glass of wine, appreciating the love, the laughter, the sad times and all that the last thirty years have brought us. I wouldn't change anything. I am so blessed.

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