Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Have you ever had so much to say you don't know where to begin? I can't believe how busy the last couple of weeks have been. Rog has had two business friends come to stay one leaving, and one coming within a couple days of each other, we "tried" to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary, and as well, I felt that because of several circumstances, our twin nine year olds needed to come home to school this year.

Let me tell you just a little about our miraculous 9 year old twins. I first found out about them when they were still in hospital struggling for their life. When they came to us at 9 weeks of age, (they were born at 31 weeks addicted to cocaine and alcohol) they were on fetal heart monitors, and one of them was on oxygen. At nine and a half weeks of age, they weighed 4 whole pounds. They were on "minor" reflux medicine and looked so fragile I didn't know whether they would break when I picked them up.

The first night we had them, the "people" forgot to tell me about the monitors that told me when they stopped breathing. The heart rates and oxygen rates were set too low, so about every ten minutes after we went to bed at oh, around midnight, their monitors went off. Now this is not a little, nice, alarm, it is one of those sounds that brings you upright from a sound sleep of oh, around 10 minutes or so and you jump so violently out of bed because you think the baby or babies have stopped breathing. At three in the morning we found the monitor people and called. Well what do you know, the rates were set too low. So we reset everything, at three in the morning, and went back to sleep for a few minutes before they awoke again.

One, Jada, could not suck so feeding her took around an hour or so. I would feed the other one, Alexis, and she would struggle to suck, swallow and breathe at the same time, and then throw the whole bottle up on the bed. We soon learned not to feed them without copious towels surrounding every area of the bed that we could find. Rog would take Jada, and would I feed Alexis once, then clean up, feed her again (because she had thrown up the whole bottle) then Rog would hand over Jada and I would put my finger on her cheek and my thumb on her jaw and emulate a sucking action so she would get her bottle. I think I averaged about two hours of sleep. I can only say that the Man upstairs was looking not only after them, but me as well.

I could tell you countless stories and miracles that we have been blessed to be part of with these two amazing and incredulous children, but that would take three pages, which I am sure you would not want to read in this blog. You can read that in my book "Is Eight Enough (God Knows and He ain't Telling) available from Amazon. But, in telling those short small things in their journey, I could not let them stay in their very wonderful school with a teacher that just was "not the right fit".

Jada has been "ticking" with a blink and a jerk of her head for some time but it had increased to not ever stopping, and Alexis, was very changed, grumpy, tearful and even rude at times which just is not these precious little girls. Then there was the "straw that broke the camels back" and Rog and I decided they would come home to be schooled. This is not the first we have done this with our children, but in every case that we have made this decision, it has worked beyond what we ever thought could happen.

So, along with the 30th, and the guests, and the school troubles, we have survived yet again. My schedule has changed, but I can honestly say my little wonders, are laughing, learning and such a joy in my life. (Oh, and Jada's tick is greatly diminished! And, Alexis is back to her happy, smiling little self.)

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