Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ok, well what a week or two. The first week I got some dreaded lurgy (Australian for bug, flu, cold, whatever) but not the swine flu, thank God and then before I really got better, Rog gets a loverly email from his work saying that, 'Oh gee, you need to be "somewhere" in a couple of days'. Well I am usually well and truly able to step up to the plate and said "you go honey" knowing that I cope, I am the anchor here, no worries, we'll manage". But, I did not expect what the second week had to bring. Rain, torrential rain, floods, roofs leaking, pools, full of mud, kids crying, scared about just driving home from school. And one, the special one, not coping at all, and doctor in charge saying "hospital" maybe residential hospital. Just a little much for one not quite better.

Of course, Rog just "knew" and never left the airport after the skyping and phone calls. Our new roof leaked about 3 gallons of water in a twelve hour period, the pond over the road from our house, spring fed just like ours, was overflowing torrents of water. Not that that in itself was frightening, but a couple of months ago, in another storm, a very big old tree came down dislodging a root and causing a slow trickle from the side of the dam wall that holds that particular pond. The drains were clogged, too much debris coming down, and between the children, the dogs, the horses and the water that was in waterfalls down the stairs beside our house, and the water gushing over the pond over the road and down the road, the river in the front yard, as well as our child possibly off to hospital, and having to look after the other nine, it was a little overwhelming for just one little me. I thought hospital looked good for me!

On top of that, Isaiah was having a big problem, which was a danger to him and to the others, so I was having to watch him like a hawk, and be the big "momma bear" as well. That, has turned out better than expected, but after sitting and talking and counseling and tearing my hair out, there was a lot revealed and a lot resolved. But, am I somewhere between mad and disillusioned with a system that I have always thought worked in at least our county? Through this "revelation" I am now wondering just what some parts of the Department of Children's services actually does work. Now, I have no complaints where we live, I have found the system of Department of Family and Children's Services to be very responsive and supportive. But, where he comes from previously, small county in Tennessee, I am not so sure any more.

He has revealed, as suspected by us, that his former "adoptive mother" has been inappropriate with him. If this was a father here, there would be cries of protest of abuse, but how far does this have to go before some one says "enough". We have discovered not only he, but his older sister, and all the others have been beaten with a rubber hose, that animals are treated cruelly, they are not schooled, they beat each other up when there are disagreements, and there is no respect, no manners, no knowledge of behavior that is socially accepted. And they are so called "christians". Not in my church. No wonder people think christians are strange.

After two months, he still eats like there is no food tomorrow and hopes his shirts are getting tighter because he is getting taller. We are working out how to let him down gently. I am sorry to say, that his protein intake for the most of his life in Africa, and certainly all of his previous life in the USA, is sadly lacking. That is because his previous adoptive family, have a "new way of eating". It's sad that this has resulted in all of their birth children being born with bad teeth from lack of nutrition in-utro. This family still sells videos of "how to eat nutritiously" on the internet and within their circles of influence. When, and how, does that stop. It's like hackers on the internet, that conn innocent people, looking for a miracle.

I am convinced he really has been somewhat brainwashed, and we are dealing with a "cult" mentality. Only youth is suckered into this thought process, because of their need to be accepted, recognized, praised and least of all, but most importantly, Loved. Their view of love, is distorted and performance orientated. I pray that I have the ability, and guidance from God to cope with this.

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