Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My goodness, it has been such a week. So much so, that I haven't had a minute to do or say anything outside my usual routine. Wow, reading that I sound so formal. Let me back up and try to remember where I left off. Rog, my sweetheart, left for the west coast last week to do some filming for his company and we managed here and life went on. He came home last Thursday at about 6.00a.m. and I left for Nashville at around 9.00a.m.

For those who don't know me well, my number four child, Ben and I wrote a song that won the CMT/NSAI song competition this year. We wrote this oh, about four years ago, but all songs have their moment and this one did this year. He has since moved in a different direction, brilliant I must say, (takes after his Mum) and is writing cartoons, and film series with "people" on the west coast. Now of course, like his Mum, this is after hours as he has to earn a living whilst trying to become something else. This is something I relate to as I seem to have done this forever.

Anyway back to the song, I had a "loverly" time in Nashville, got to sing the scratch vocal with the "cats" and was there when my wonderful and talented country singer put down the real vocal. Now, I am not ashamed to say that I am a "sanger" but a country? singer, well let's say I wasn't raised in the south and I sure don't sound like that on recording. I haven't heard the final mix yet but am waiting. I know it will arrive (probably by mp3 in email) in the next couple of days.

After much deliberation, I finally began a class at my kids (or most of my kids) school teaching drama. We are doing a musical version of a Christmas carol called "Bah Humbug" and I auditioned kids today for various roles and dancers etc. Wow, were they talented and am I the lucky one to be their director. My daughter, Bri, auditioned and three of the others looked on in amazement as these kids did their stuff. Life is good.

Isaiah is settling in, if not a little overwhelmed with the schoolwork. More and more every day he is becoming a part of the family. Dustin (eldest twin at home) asked for his form to be signed for the school dance tonight. Now younger twin Devin didn't want to go. Under the fire from Mum, it was discovered (with some merriment) that Dustin has a "girlfriend" and Devin is still looking. Aah, I remember those days. In fact I still remember going to my first ever "high school dance" at this old hall with my sister Margaret. I was in ninth grade so had to be around 13. I do remember having "first loves" at that age. Part of growing up. Where did all the years disappear.

So directing my British comedy, has become very interesting and quite a challenging adventure for me. We are up for the Atlanta awards, so have been honing my director skills. My children, ever amazing, have once again earned my respect and love for stepping up to the plate. It turns out that my "grandfather" in this comedy, has some health issues which arose and needed immediate attention. I auditioned "six" other actors who could have all been wonderful and none could fit the schedule. So what did I do? What I did about mmmm????years ago when in the same position. My husband, Rog, is a great and wonderfully entertaining speaker, and when in a 24hour pickle such as this a few years ago, I set my big green eyes on him,and vowed him many favors. He was so amazing he deserved an "Oscar". So what did I do this time? Vowed many favors again and he is stepping up. Now he will probably win an award for this having such a brilliant director!!

What can I say? I luv em all. They are crazy, unpredictable, let secrets out when they think no one's listening, cry with you, laugh with you, make you cry, make you laugh, slip the kids through the door (or the dog depending on which kid) but they are all mine. I wouldn't change a thing. This is family.

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