Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Time........Where Does It Go

Gosh where did the week go!  Earlier this week, Isaiah called saying his friend was coming home for the week end and could he catch a ride.  I could hear a little yearning for home in his voice, so even though he is coming home for Easter I willingly agreed.  He arrived somewhat down in the mouth which I had sort of picked up on the phone.  His friend was with him, and there were lots of hugs all round as the kids were eager to see both of them, but he still wasn't himself.

Unfortunately the boys were at youth group and not due back for an hour or so, and that seemed to make him more doleful.  After chatting for a little bit, a few things came out that were obviously bothering him.  It seems that his friend, who has graduated from high school, has really been able to fast track his course at Job Corps and will be finished in just a few short months, where as Isaiah, who is doing amazing for his short few years being educated, is going to take probably another eighteen months to finish both his GED and his trade.  Luckily we had neighbors over, and his friends mom, and we all reiterated to Isaiah his successes, not his failure to keep up with his friend.

It then occurred to me that we should always keep our eyes straight ahead, focused on the path that we are on, and not look over at someone else's journey.  It can cause us many emotions if we let it.  God has a path uniquely designed for each of us, and even though sometimes that path becomes foggy, or we stray away from it, it is ours.  Isaiah's life has taken so many twists and turns in just a short time, but God knew every one of them, even if it wasn't the path set out in the beginning.

Well, the boys came home, there was much catching up to do, and they spent the rest of the night doing just that.  Then an exciting turn of events and our neighbors took all three boys up to the North Georgia Mountains for the night.  I must admit, Isaiah tried to feel torn about staying and visiting with us or going for an adventure, but they all ran out of here with big grins on their faces.  Life is good, if you just let it.

My book Finding Friday is coming out in the next month or so and I am doing what they call a "crowd Fund Raiser" with Indiegogo.  Here is the link to that.  If you feel led to give something small, that would be great and help me get Isaiah's story out there.  If not, please share this link with your friends, I would be most thankful.

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