Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Sad and The Glad

The holiday season has been really busy, in fact I'd own up to chaotic.  I am a little "OCD" as well as a little hyperactive, but the last couple of months were almost beyond me.  I have a couple of "triggers" in my family, you know the ones that start stuff, initiate it, continue it, spit it out till you have to deal with it.  I always believe that prevention is better than cure, but there are a couple in my brood that do not adhere to that theory.  You can't prevent it, and worse, you can't cure it.

Isaiah had mostly, a pretty good time home.  But, even though I am not in his sister's life right now, I know that he should be, and try as I might, he was not calling, or buying that he should.  All I could get out of him was that, "I love my sister, but not the drama".  Period, end of conversation.  Then I found out about the texts etc to the "girlfriend" he's never met, but is sending 750 texts a week to.  Oh, the hazard of teenage boys.  This would all be normal, and actually is, except that he hasn't had the normal amount of schooling and is so far behind it is NOT funny.  So, as a parent, where do you draw the boundaries without sounding like you are as bizarre as his previous family.  I sort of felt responsible because we gave him a phone with unlimited texting as part of his Christmas present.  I am such a sucker when it comes to trying to reward or please my kids, not so much when it comes to their education and their future.

The unfortunate thing for Isaiah is the network he is now on doesn't work as well at Job Corps as the pay phone he had.  Mmmmm.......  You think there may have been a plan here that I wasn't aware of?  Sometimes things all work for good.

So after Isaiah went back, we all headed for the YES program at Disney which sounds fun, and is, but is also a lot of too-ing and fro-ing for us parents.  At the end of the third day of being "parked out" I received a voice mail from Jada's neurologist to say that she had an abnormal EEG consistent with epilepsy.  I am glad that I know and can prevent this all with medicine, but am sad that this is for life, no going back to pretending that this will not happen again, but accepting this is reality.  It is sort of funny for me to be sad about this because I have accepted without a blink, autism, bi-polar, tourette's, cerebral palsy, brain bleeds, OCD, ADHD, language disorders, allergies, you name it, but somehow this was the straw that broke the camel.

Mostly, adoptive children are made up of nature and nurture, and mostly nurture wins out, but in this case her birth mom is a diagnosed epileptic, and now my little "tween" Jada is also.  While I take this all in I know that Meggie, her younger sister has also had three seizures, not as close as Jada has had these last couple, but nevertheless, she has had them.  So testing for her is definitely in the future, with hopes that she does not live with this, but, if she does, then what do they say in the south about football, which I really don't understand, "Roll Tide".  We will deal.

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