Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Finding Your Way

Well I must say that December was insane, with all the literal "drama" as well as the "staged" drama I was exhausted when it was over, only to rally to DisneyWorld with eight kids on a school program.  Now, that, was, great.  The kids had an amazing time, we had some "free" time, and memories were made by all.  The two to three weeks of vacation over Christmas were hectic, with Isaiah coming home mid way through, and plays and dance recitals etc happening, leaving not much time for shopping, planning Christmas dinner, let alone relaxing or enjoying the "season".

In a family as large as ours, try as you might, you invariably miss something.  Isaiah was great the first week home, started to present problems by the beginning of the second week, and definitely needed to return to immense structure by the end of it.  He went back to school the same day as we drove to Disney with the others for their school visit.  Timing is everything.  I was worried he was going to be upset that the others were doing a school educational trip to Disney, but, that was not his major concern.  He had been there done that, and, in his own way, for his own reasons, was happy to return to school where he had earned respect and credibility.

The struggle through this process has not only been Isaiah's, but the whole family's.  At the end of it all the other kids needed a reward as much as he did, and, they got it, at Disney.  Free to roam around, be themselves, and not be concerned about a young man that needed special attention, was the perfect solution.  I will treasure riding the teacups at The Magic Kingdom with all of them at the close of the park.  As foolish, and immature as that seems, it sets you free again, to be a child, laugh, love, not think what is being said or is coming against you, just to be free, living, loving and expressing that freedom in hugs, laughter, and memories.

Time to move on, to learn, expand, love more, laugh more, learn more, experience life for what it is.  What we make it!  In the end, life is held in our own hands, and, we can live it, grow from it, learn how to love and forgive from it, or we can become hard, unforgiving and bitter, only seeing the troubles not the successes.  What do you see?  I hope you continue to seek the path that is meant for only you, and if you struggle with that, then, don't worry, there is a peace beyond all understanding if only we will walk, talk, and follow the path we find ourself on.

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