Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life with 14 kids: Challenges

Life with 14 kids: Challenges: So, life is a roller coaster right now, but at least one rider is home.  In questioning all of this, I still come up with several options.  ...


So, life is a roller coaster right now, but at least one rider is home.  In questioning all of this, I still come up with several options.  While being truly shocked when identical twins who are non aggressive, compliant, obedient, and respectful go out there, after the shock is over, it is time to discern exactly what went wrong.  Of course in our current world full texts, instagrams and whatever, there is a feeling that you are parenting with an internet provider.  I personally, am not in favor at all of all the cyber stuff, but being an older parent, I try to weigh the balance.

That of course is weighed with our children's disabilities and diagnosis' which leave us solely in the hand of the Lord.  Quite frankly the last couple of months have been almost more than I could bear, other than the quiet voice of God.  I have gone through the stages of grief, and yet, I still grieve because one is still in danger.  He would not say that, but this is a child that I love beyond measure, but needs help beyond measure.  So, I have to reflect on how my Lord and Savior has got me through this.

Well the day after it all happened I was committed to a writing course with my mentor, who I will not name at this moment, but am sorely tempted, because she was a messenger sent to get me through this terrible time.  So, blood pressure on the roof, I went through surgery one day after because I could not cancel, and started a mentor, one on one, writing, ah songwriting, course the same day.  I was also filming a TV pilot which was very important.

I am a person who needs to be busy, feel needed, and give to others.  I was stripped of all of this when my precious boys, old enough to make choices, left.  I was in a place of rejection, fear, failure as a mother, and desperation.  I, alone, was unable to rescue my boys.  I, alone, could not change their circumstances.  I, alone, could not control my fear, anxiety, and blood pressure.  Oh, on the blood pressure thing?  I am a 108 over 64.  When I went for surgery I was 170 over something.  Terrifying.

I am still being sensible about the blood pressure, but my medical advisors feel this is due to anxiety. I am overcoming that every day with prayer, and believe that God IS in control no matter what I think or feel.  I have one twin home, he is back in the swing of being a computer programmer like his dad, not birth, but real dad.  You know the one that tucked him in, read stories, played with him, went to the ER, and loved him EVERY day of his life.  I do not know if God means the other twin to come home, I am not fretting over that any more, but WE ALL HAVE a choice.  So does he.

We are parents who love him.  I am grateful that one prodigal is home, I don't know if the other wants or needs us, but we will love him always and pray constantly.  He has issues which he is not in a place to address, nor with people who want him to address those issues.  Even if you don't believe in my God, or my Jesus, maybe you believe in someone that you pray to about your issues.  I just ask you pray.  All prayers are relevant and will be heard if sincere.

I am so grateful for a Savior who hears me, who leads me, and is constant.  No matter what the outcome here, I believe God has His hand upon this situation and I trust in the Lord with all of my heart, and lean not on my own understanding.

Friday, June 6, 2014


The last few months have been sort of out of a movie.  So, here I am to catch everyone and I guess myself, up to date.  Lets start at the beginning (a very good place to start....sorry).  January, Isaiah calls to come home for a visit as he went to his sisters place for Christmas, because he had turned 18 and, I really needed the break.   Now he needs to come home, so I am trying to put aside any plans to accommodate because I do understand he is still, after four years, in a precarious position.

I arrive, after two and a half hours driving in the snow, to pick him up.  I am in a hurry, it is winter, the roads are icy, I am in the mountains, just want to pick him up and get him back for the weekend.  Long story cut short? He has been grounded for something we had continually  told him about.  Not only grounded, but about to be expelled, not go to the next level of training because he knew better.  I did not know what emotions I was supposed to have.  He was exuding charm (that is what he does when he is in trouble) but it was not going to cut it this time.  He was out.  Two weeks is what he had left to find a job, finish his GED and get his drivers license.   After that, I drove back on the icy roads alone, wondering if I could have done anything more to make this kid understand.  I reached the conclusion that our family had done all we could, time to move on, let him work it out.  Tough love, tough decisions, but after all that had gone down in the last few years, it was time to look out for others in the family.

His sister had been very vocal about having Isaiah, so realizing that he was not going to follow house rules, I decided that was best for him.  Surprise!!  He was sent to a job organized by his former adoptive, abusive father, in about two days.  After getting over the guilt etc, I realized that maybe we have to fall to rise.  He called me Mother's day.  He is on the rise.

I don't speak much on this blog about the others, all eight at home, but, we are in teenager years, and just recently seven out of our eight met their biological families.  Four (two sets of twins) did great.  I am so blessed that they have found Nana, Paw Paw, aunts, cousins and brothers and sisters.  We have become an extended family united with Christ.  Then there is another three, twin brothers and a sister by another father.  Cut it short, disaster.  The last two months have been like I lost, like in died, two kids.  It has been a journey of prayer, believing that He will prevail, and standing on the rock.

But God does prevail, in good times and in bad.  I ended up coming to the place to stop being angry and confused (nothing in that is God) and realizing that I had to forgive, understand, and pray, not only for my twins, but for the very people who manipulated them out of our house.  Well, no surprises here what the result is.  One is home, the other will be in time.  I have learned faith, patience, and above all Jesus rules.  It is not finished yet, but by prayer it will be and I know I have the faith to believe in that.