Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Life has been really crazy busy lately.  So many things have been going on all at the one time.  Most of my kids are involved in either ballet company (which includes tap and jazz) or musical theatre.  So come end of school year there are performances and recitals, plus CRCT exams, and finals, plus a couple of birthdays, and a birth family reunion.  Then there is Roger's work stuff, which includes a trip to Prague in a little over a week, and his ongoing capturing this or that on the internet, my songwriting stuff, which includes writing appointments, the studio, and Nashville trips to fit in.

Somewhere under that noise level, there is my waiting for the "call".  The one that says I made it through the final round of XFactor and am on the show.

Then, there is the book, "Finding Friday", which is at the printers and about to hit the stands.  My TV adds for the cd, "Broken Hearts and Broken Wings" is also about to hit.  Whew!

But what stood out from the crazy business, was the birth family reunion.  My youngest two sets of twins have the same birth mother.  She is, on the inside, a beautiful person, who I believe loves Jesus, and, wants to find another life.  But, that is really HARD for an addict.  She has been addicted to drugs and alcohol since about sixteen, she is turning forty two or so.  We have been in contact for the last few months and she was released from re-hab and jail just a few short days ago.  We all met, along with the children's grandparents, aunt and uncle and cousin, last Saturday night.

The wonderful, amazing, thankful thing here is, that the children didn't just meet their birth mother, they met their family.  A Nana who has missed her grand babies for thirteen years, and an aunt and cousin who desperately wanted to connect with the "missing" in their family.  I understand, I was missing a niece for some thirty years, but, thankfully was reunited some years back and our family retrieved the "lost" one.

Unfortunately, birth mom is now MIA again.  Perhaps the meeting was too much, but I suspect the drugs just dissolved the tender, tiny threads that were hanging onto Jesus.  But, God in His infinite wisdom, knew all of this and allowed this family, this Nana, Aunts, cousins, and other siblings time enough to re-connect for the rest of their lives.  No matter what pain, there is joy.  IF you choose to find it, hang on to it, and never let it go.  Even through the hard times.

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