Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Monday, April 15, 2013

Finally, the article about the abuse, neglect and Isaiah

 This is an article written by a journalist, Kathryn Joyce, about adoptions from Liberia, which concern especially Isaiah. I do not agree with all the comments on this page, I think most of you who know me, know that. But the important thing to come out of this is that 1. Isaiah WAS dumped back in Liberia by his adoptive parents which is illegal, 2. these children, including Isaiah and CeCe were not educated, but then neither were their own biological children, 3. These parents had no training in what to expect from a severely abused, neglected and war torn child, which led to abuse in another form. 4. We need to stop this abuse. Please read this article which will give you an insight into "radical" or extreme thinking. After you do that, please consider my campaign to publish my book, a totally different point of view. My book, Finding Friday, is not about assigning blame, it is about the fact that no-one cared that this thirteen year old child had been dumped back in Africa, with the intention of his green card running out, and him never returning to tell "stories, or truths" about just what happened to him in the Great America. I am all about forgiveness, but not about abuse, neglect, or the uncaring, unfeeling, attitude that I got from Government officials, whose response was "Well, he is out of the country, we can't do anything." Please read, and please consider helping Isaiah tell his story. 

I have posted this because I want everyone, or at least as many as I can reach to understand it "takes a village" to correct anything.  One single person on their own can do very little, but if everyone takes a stance, then this sort of abuse, neglect, ignorance and just "sheer" don't care attitude can change.  I will keep on going until it makes a difference.  Will YOU!!!!

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