Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Monday, January 7, 2013


I don't think I can describe what a muddled, chaotic season of "fun" I have had. There has not been a precedence for the events that have evolved over the last few weeks, let alone an event I could even relate back to.  I have an amazing family of older, what we call "Classic" Thompsons' and the newer or what is called the "New" Thompsons' and I love them all, but, yes but.  Isaiah came home from school for nearly three weeks, and upon arriving was so positive, and on track, I couldn't be more proud.  But. Yes, that word is something that is going to be a big part of this blog.

But, after getting part of his Christmas present which was a phone on our plan with unlimited texts etc, he suddenly was absorbed, no consumed with texting a girl he hasn't even met.  Now us older derelicts, who God forbid met someone face to face before declaring our undying love, understand that the whole text, phone photo, undying promises are really not "real".  Goodness, I have one child who has been "hoodwinked" by two much older "WOMEN" posing as young girls on a popular social media site, and all this psycho getting to know someone via the internet, is just that.  PSYCHO!!!!!!!

I fear I did about as well as advising him of the consequences, was about as popular as I was with his older sister, but I do hope he has had enough parenting to know that I was not being an old, outdated, parent, but one who cares about his future.  As the three weeks of holiday came to a close, I realized he had not called his sister, no blame on me there, both Rog and I had suggested that several times, and he had become more and more obsessed with a girl he did not know over his opportunity that he had worked so hard for.   All I can say is "Youth is Wasted On The Young".  And if you think that is a song title, it is, I wrote it.

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