Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saturday Life with 14 kids

Did I ever tell you that Ben, my youngest biological, thinks his dog Roxie, cannot stay home by herself. If they ever leave the house she seems to be put through the door and even sometimes picked up without a word. I think because we have six dogs they think we don't notice. Well Roxie was with us today for a while along with our two wonderful grandchildren while I picked up constantly (I must have OCD about cleaning and tidying) because we had guests for a BBQ.
Not that my wonderful friends who also have a large extended family would notice, but I am somewhat house proud. I don't think I was always like this, because in Australia, where I grew up, we are used to being spontaneous. Here a lot of the time, I have to consult my agenda sometimes weeks ahead, but in Aus., or with my Brit. friends. we seem to have the same colonial thing going on.

It may also have to do with the fact that back then I only had four children and now I have fourteen. But, having said that, when you have a lot of children, you are either tidy and structured or messy and chaotic. I am the former. So, today, because we have guests, I am more paranoid about presenting the house and the food. Crazy, I know, but it's a fine line between OCD and OCB (if don't know look it up) and I like to think that other people don't view us as being crazy and disorganized. Crazy, yes I accept that, but I am an organized on time person and want to be perceived as such. I fail on several occasions. I think I being tested.

Now my hubby, was late for our wedding. Need I say more. This is what I contend with on a daily basis. Does he make up for this in other ways? Thank goodness he does. He loves the vacuum cleaner, but does leave it in the middle of the floor where somehow I constantly trip over it. Oh, and did I mention that his computer has a home on my kitchen counter where I cook. He also has at least two other offices in the house, but prefers my kitchen. Of course, I don't have to cook much, so it isn't a real problem, and he is wonderful company.

Mentioning company, he invites people around, and then there's an emergency, where he just has to disappear for hours on end and leaves me with company I sometimes don't know. I remember once, admittedly a long time ago, he invited some persons known or unknown for a BBQ, and decided when they wouldn't leave (they did come at 3p.m and now it was 11p.m) that he was adjourning to the bathroom. After about half an hour or so, and they were still there, I decided to join him. We sat in there until they left. I guess they must have liked something about us or my cooking. We can't remember who they were. But that was thirty odd years ago.

Speaking of which, we will have been married thirty years this coming September. The one positive thing we have learned through the years, is that don't invite people you don't know, unless they are coming with friends you do know. Well all jokes aside, we love to entertain, and our children, all fourteen of them love a party, lots of food, and fun.

So, in the morning, which is coming all too soon, we will get up and clean up, breakfast twelve children (oh did I mention the grandchildren are sleeping over) get them dressed, combed, fed and out the door for church. I really love church. It is a two hour break where we get to get fed, receive and replenish while they are doing the same. Tomorrow, Ben and his family (and I am sure Roxie) are coming for lunch after service. Seeing that Ben really loves Nathan hot dogs, we might feed him the left overs from tonight and cook something different for those who care, before I go to my first rehearsal for the British comedy.

Now, I am going to spend some quality time with my better half before we hit the sack and start again.

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