Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Friday, August 21, 2009

Another day, another dollar. At least I hope so. It costs a fortune just to feed everybody here. I had forgotten just how much 14 year old boys eat and I have three of them! They seem to inhale everything in sight, I wonder if they really taste it at the rate the consume it. They were really keen to go to the high school football game tonight, but after they just heard the big rumble of thunder overhead, I think they are glad to be inside.

My eldest boys at home are identical twins, with Isaiah just four months younger. He is suffering from a sore thumb tonight from writing so much this week. Devin, one of the twins, was proud of his 100% on his Math test and when I asked Dustin his twin brother, he said "which math test?" I think and I hope they are in different classes. He just came in and said "oh! that one" when he saw his brother's little white sheet. Their voices are changing just now and sometimes they are really funny. At least they have a great sense of humor! I am not sure I am going to see his test. I may have to sneak peak in his book bag.

CeCe my 18 year old was a little sad tonight. She has been an apprentice for a hairdresser (her dream) for the last couple of months and just found out that while she can still work there, she will have to apprentice for Cosmetology, which will give her another skill, while she gets her GED at night. When she realized that she would be extremely talented and skilled at the end of all this, she was happier.

My hubby Rog is trying hard to catch a muskrat who lives down at our pond. We have two fishing ponds where the kids catch large mouth bass on a regular basis. We don't keep them; we put them back so we will keep the pond stocked. He has this rather big silver cage that looks like an elaborate rodent trap. Of course the muskrat is too smart to be caught. He has lived there for a long time and has lots of big holes (or burrows I guess) all around the edge of the pond. Funny thing happened on the way to catching him though, one of the kids left a fishing rod, with hook etc on it, lying near one of the holes he comes and goes from. When we went to pick it up we found the line (with the hook on) was down the hole. Upon trying to retrieve it we found it wouldn't budge. Rog tugged and tugged just like when you have a really big fish on the line, and it did just what it does in the ocean when the big one got away. It snapped. So we think the muskrat now is running around with a hook in him somewhere! Tough little critter!

Bri, my aspergers child, was much better today with a tweak to her medication. Sometimes I think I am a lobster, swimming around thinking it is all well, then realizing the water is boiling. At least I can do something about it and jump out. With all the furore of the last couple of weeks, Isaiah coming home, getting all the kids to three different schools, organizing the British Comedy, which is going to be a riot by the way, and getting Rog ready for the west coast and me ready for Nashville, I should have predicted that Bri would have a hic up. But she is back to her sweet, if somewhat unique self with a minor adjustment.

Six of my kids at home are at a private home schooling academy with teachers. I am very fortunate to have found it as they have small classes and a very loving Christian environment in which they thrive. The good thing is they have Fridays off. The bad thing is they have Fridays off. So today was much about them, homework for the weekend (they don't really get Fridays off - I am the teacher), swimming, playing tea parties and watching favorite TV shows. I have just picked up the ten or so towels and tidied up for the night. They are watching the last of a disney movie and then it will be time for the blanket show.

Tomorrow, I get my two of my grandchildren (I told you we swap off) as my son and his wife are off watching the tennis somewhere for a few days, and Rog has asked an army of British people we know and their friends for a BBQ. Ah! Never a dull moment at Cressbrook Creek.
Oh P.S. He also has offered the "ranch" for yet another wedding!!

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