Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Friday, November 19, 2010

What a hectic couple of months! I thought summer was long and wild, but in the last couple of months have been really busy. For the first time in a very long time, I have had time to indulge back in theatre and have been involved in a couple of wonderful shows. But busy is when you are in two productions and directing one, and assisting on another all at the same time. Add in that, seven children, one grandchild, one husband and one ex-son-in-law, are all in the same production of Oliver. Wonderful and mad all at the same time. On top of that Rog and I fly out to Australia (for some much needed r&r) this Sunday.

We opened Oliver last night and it was really great! My proudest moment was when my Aspergers' child did her first real role and solo song. She sang out in her beautiful clear true voice and there was a little dust in the air. Of course we had the little melt downs before and by some miracle avoided the major melt down afterwards. What was also amazing for her, was that although we have always known she could sing like this since she was 14 months old, her voice had been trapped inside in public, because of her fears of failure in social interaction, and her difficulty in looking directly at people for long periods of time. Unlike some kids with this diagnosis, she is not lacking in self confidence, she has always been secure, but only with her family.

Aspergers is very difficult at times to live with, and I can tell you does affect everyone in the family. I am blessed that all of the 11 others that have known her since birth, are very tolerant, but also rub the rough edges off and keep her in line when needed. That does not stop the explosions that happen when things just do not go according to her plan (which is every day) or the frustration that the only chores she will do are the ones she chooses, not the ones you would like her to do. And of course there are the times which happen often where she rearranges my kitchen pantries (of which there are several) to her order of things. I usually discover this after I have run an errand and come home to the kitchen looking absolutely fabulous, clean, tidy and sparkling. But upon looking further, just where is everything? It has all been put in the places that suits the order of her thinking.

My other little stars were shining last night as well when all other five children had lines to do and small parts to play. My grandchild was wonderful, showing off his acting abilities and his wonderful gymnastics, and my eldest daughter was amazing in the role of Nancy. My husband, Rog, played my husband Mr. Bumble, and although we were cranky nasty old people who ran the orphanage, it was the first time, and I hope not the last, that we played opposite together on stage. It was such fun! Of course we have sung together in bands and duos for years, but this was different. We were on the same playing field along with a large part of the family.

We have three more performances to do, then off to Australia to see my family and also attend a cousins reunion. It will be fast and furious, but then, that is life with 14 kids!


  1. The performance sounds really fun Kate :)

  2. Yes it was truly a great memory for the family. I hope we do it again.
