Our Family

Our Family
All or most of us

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I seem to be sitting at airports often these days. Well at least two in the last five months or so. Rog and I have just had a wonderful 24 hours away to celebrate a good friends wedding. Lucky for us our eldest son is as game as we are and came down to the "farm" with his two kids to add to our 9 at home while we got some "r&r". As it would happen in these circumstances where you feel you are out on the free, but time clock pass, our plane is delayed.

So since I haven't written a blog in what seems like forever this is the perfect time to do so. It has been very hectic in our house hold fitting a new child in and getting him settled with relationships and with school. Everything to him looks and feels so overwhelming and an insurmountable struggle. But after 9 weeks at school he is doing very well, both scholastically, and emotionally. We were concerned because his older sister decided our rules were not falling into line with hers, so consequently moved out. We are still in touch, but it is a concern as she is very uneducated and in danger of falling into the trap of thinking she can only have babies and get a man. Now not that I think that is not good if it is the right timing, but for her it would be very hard, almost impossible, with no work skills and very little education. We pray for her each day and leave it in God's very capable hands. He brought her to us, I am sure He has a plan for her.

I was completely impressed with a new documentary that was talked about on the Opra show last week regarding the poverty, war and criminal activity in the form of rape with African women. I learned so much as to why these young girls and women grow up in abusive, poverty stricken circumstances where childbirth is exceedingly dangerous and food is scarce. It makes Isaiah's stories of being constantly hungry while he was back in Liberia very real. Also it made me sit up and realize that the life size poster I saw at the Atlanta airport, with an African woman on it, and the words "women, the most untapped natural resource in the world" was true. It made the quest to educate an "African girl" come right to my home and doorstep. I hope we are not too late with CeCe and she can overcome the poverty teachings of the past and continue on in her apprenticeship to educate her and not run away to the easiest out.

I have been having a wonderful time with drama and music both in community theater as well as at my children's school. I must be mad!! I took on the task of directing "Bah Humbug" the musical to 31 students at my kids school. We have five rehearsals before tech. I am wondering how it will all fall into place, knowing that it will. We are in the midst of costumes, props and set. Lighting to be plotted next week and sound sorted out. And my wonderful husband Rog flies out to London for a couple of days on Monday. Sometimes I wonder how it all happens. I know it is only by the grace of God. But thank goodness for the laughs and tears on the way.